MVA 2021-22 - TP 1¶
To download this notebook:
You can install gudhi using pip or conda:
import gudhi as gd
The goal of this first TP is to get you familiar with the basic data structures in GUDHI to build and manipulate simplicial complexes and filtrations.
Simplicial complexes and simplex trees¶
In Gudhi, (filtered) simplicial complexes are encoded through a data structure called simplex tree. Here is a very simple example illustrating the use of simplex tree to represent simplicial complexes. See the Gudhi documentation for a complete list of functionalities. Try the following code and a few other functionalities from the documentation to get used to the Simplex Tree data structure.
import numpy as np
import gudhi as gd
import random as rd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D
%matplotlib inline
#%matplotlib notebook
st = gd.SimplexTree() # Create an empty simplicial complex
# Simplicies can be inserted 1 by 1
# Vertices are indexed by integers
if st.insert([0,1]):
print("First simplex inserted!")
L = st.get_filtration() # Get a list with all simplices
# Notice that inserting an edge automatically inserts its vertices, if they were not already in the complex
for simplex in L:
# Insert the 2-skeleton, giving some filtration values to the faces
# If you add a new simplex with a given filtration value, all its faces that
# were not in the complex are inserted with the same filtration value
L = st.get_filtration()
for simplex in L:
The filtration value of a simplex can be changed in the following way
L = st.get_filtration()
for simplex in L:
** Warning! ** Take care that after changing the filtration value of a simplex, the result could no longer be a filtration, as illustrated below :
print("Giving the edge [3,4] the value 1.5:")
L = st.get_filtration()
for simplex in L:
print("The result is no longer a filtration : [3,4] has a higher value than its coface [2,3,4]")
print("To fix the problem, use make_filtration_non_decreasing()")
L = st.get_filtration()
for simplex in L:
# Many operations can be done on simplicial complexes, see also the Gudhi documentation and examples
print("filtration value of [1,2]=",st.filtration([1,2]))
print("filtration value of [4,2]=",st.filtration([4,2]))
print("num_simplices=", st.num_simplices())
print("num_vertices=", st.num_vertices())
print("skeleton[2]=", st.get_skeleton(2))
print("skeleton[1]=", st.get_skeleton(1))
print("skeleton[0]=", st.get_skeleton(0))
L = st.get_skeleton(1)
for simplex in L:
Exercise 1.¶
Make a few experiments with the simplex tree functions ( ), e.g. changing the filtrations values, trying to assign values to simplices that do not lead to a filtration,... And observe the effects on the filtration.
Filtrations, persistence and Betti numbers computation¶
# As an example, we assign to each simplex its dimension as filtration value
for splx in st.get_filtration():
L = st.get_filtration()
for simplex in L:
Before computing Betti numbers, we first need to compute persistence of the filtration.
# To compute the persistence diagram of the filtered complex
# By default it stops at dimension-1, use persistence_dim_max=True
# to compute homology in all dimensions
## Here, for the moment, we use it as a preprocessing step to compute Betti numbers.
diag = st.persistence(persistence_dim_max=True)
# Display each interval as (dimension, (birth, death))
Exercise 2.¶
Define another filtration of the simplicial complex and check that the choice of the filtration does not change the betti numbers.
Exercise 3. Persistence for functions defined over a grid¶
When a function is defined over a grid on $[0,1]$, $[0,1]^2$, ... the grid can be directly used to build the filtration using a cubical complex as illustrated in the following examples.
Persistence of 1D function¶
Let consider $f: t \mapsto sin(2t)+sin(3t)$ defined over $[0, 2\pi]$.
Build a table with 200 values of f between 0 and $2\pi$. Plot the function, compute the persistence diagram of its sublevelsets, and draw its persistence diagram.
The name top_dimensional_cells is because gudhi gives the grid values to top-dimensional cells and deduces values for other cells, instead of giving values to vertices and deducing values for other cells.
Persistence of 2D function¶
Let $p_0=(0.25, 0.25), p_1=(0.75, 0.75), p_2 = (0.0, 1.0)$ and $p_3 = (1.0, 0.0)$ be 4 points in the plane $\mathbb{R}^2$ and $\sigma=0.05$.
- Build on such a complex the sublevelset filtration of the function $$f(p)=\exp(-\frac{|p-p_0|^2}{\sigma})+3\exp(-\frac{|p-p_1|^2}{\sigma}) - 4*\exp(-\frac{|p-p_2|^2}{\sigma})
- 2 \exp(-\frac{|p-p_3|^2}{\sigma})$$ defined over $[-0.5,1.5]^2$.
Compute the persistence diagram of the sublevel set filtration of $f$ and compute the persistence diagram of the upperlevel set filtration of $f$ and compare the obtained diagram to the previous one.
Persistence over a filtered simplicial complex and Betti number.¶
- Recall the torus is homeomorphic to the surface obtained by identifying the opposite sides of a square as illustrated below.
Using Gudhi, construct a triangulation (2-dimensional simplicial complex) of the Torus. Define a filtration on it, compute its persistence and use it to deduce the Betti numbers of the torus.
- Use Gudhi to compute the Betti numbers of a sphere of dimension 2 and of a sphere of dimension 3 (hint: the k -dimensional sphere is homeomorphic to the boundary of a (k+1)-dimensional simplex.
Vietoris-Rips and alpha-complex filtrations¶
For the definition of Vietoris-Rips and $\alpha$-complexes, see the slides of the course:
See also the following book, p.137
Take care that in GUDHI the α-complex filtration is indexed by the square of the radius of the smallest empty circumscribing ball.
These are basic instructions to build Vietoris-Rips and α-complex filtrations (and compute their persistent homology).
Random point cloud¶
#Create a random point cloud in 3D
pt_cloud = np.random.rand(nb_pts,3)
#Build Rips-Vietoris filtration and compute its persistence diagram
rips_complex = gd.RipsComplex(pt_cloud,max_edge_length=0.5)
simplex_tree = rips_complex.create_simplex_tree(max_dimension=3)
print("Number of simplices in the V-R complex: ",simplex_tree.num_simplices())
dgm = simplex_tree.persistence(homology_coeff_field=2, min_persistence=0)
#Compute Rips-Vietoris filtration and compute its persistence diagram from
#a pairwise distance matrix
dist_mat = []
for i in range(nb_pts):
ld = []
for j in range(i):
rips_complex2 = gd.RipsComplex(distance_matrix=dist_mat,max_edge_length=0.5)
simplex_tree2 = rips_complex2.create_simplex_tree(max_dimension=3)
diag2 = simplex_tree2.persistence(homology_coeff_field=2, min_persistence=0)
#Compute the alpha-complex filtration and compute its persistence
alpha_complex = gd.AlphaComplex(points=pt_cloud)
simplex_tree3 = alpha_complex.create_simplex_tree()
print("Number of simplices in the alpha-complex: ",simplex_tree3.num_simplices())
diag3 = simplex_tree3.persistence(homology_coeff_field=2, min_persistence=0)
Exercise 4. Sampled torus in $\mathbb{R}^4$¶
- Randomly sample $n$ points (try different values of $n$) on the paramatrized torus in $\mathbb{R}^4$:
$$(s,t) \to (\cos(s),\sin(s),\cos(t),\sin(t)), \ \ \ (s,t) \in [0,2\pi] \times [0,2\pi]$$
and compute the persistence diagrams of the resulting $\alpha$-complex filtration.
Do the same with the Vietoris-Rips complex.
What do you observe?
- Now, sample the points along a 1D line embedded in the torus according to the following parametrization:
$$t \to (\cos(t),\sin(t),\cos(5t),\sin(5t)), \ \ \ t \in [0,2\pi] $$
and do the same experiment as previously. What do you observe? Explain it.
Exercise 5.¶
- Randomly sample n = 100 points on the unit circle in the Euclidean plane.
- For R in np.arange(0.0,0.5,0.01), compute the Betti numbers of the subcomplex of the Rips-Vietoris filtration (up to dimension 2) made of the simplices with index value at most R and plot the curve giving the Betti numbers as functions of R. These curves are called the Betti curves of the filtration.
- Can we get the same curves directly from the persistence diagram of the Rips-Vietoris filtration (you will have to guess what the persistence diagrams represent)? If so, compute them using the persistence diagram.
- Same questions using the α-complex filtrations (find a right range of values for α), and try to increase the number of points in the initial point cloud.
- Do the same for the point cloud sampled on the 2D torus in $\mathbb{R}^4$ from the above exercise.